Enrico Letta’s proposal stands as one of his most compelling initiatives

This envisioned EU-level business code presents an opportunity for European companies to voluntarily adhere to a unified framework, thereby streamlining operations and enhancing appeal to investors across the entirety of the European Union and beyond. Letta’s proposition holds the promise of facilitating scalability and bolstering attractiveness to potential financiers.

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European Code of Business Law / Enrico Letta’s report, Financial Times, April 21, 2024

What to do? One of Letta’s punchiest proposals is for a “28th regime” in corporate law – an EU-level business code European companies could opt in to that would make it easier to scale up and attract investors from the whole EU (and beyond), without navigating 27 sets of rules on everything from licensing to creditor rights. This could be the rare policy that offers profound change while sidestepping the political thicket of harmonising national rules. A well-designed, minimally bureaucratic EU business code could be a game-changer for the ability of small businesses and start-ups to expand fast.

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Código Económico Europeo / Informe de Enrico Letta

En su informe sobre el futuro del mercado único europeo, presentado al Consejo Europeo del 18 de abril de 2024, el ex Primer Ministro italiano Enrico Letta, Presidente del Instituto Jacques Delors, propone soluciones a la falta de competitividad y al posible declive económico de Europa.

Para Enrico Letta, este declive no es irreversible. Requiere urgentemente una recuperación conjunta. Según el informe de Letta, el retraso de Europa con respecto a otras grandes economías del mundo se debe en gran parte a la fragmentación de los mercados y las economías que sigue existiendo casi 40 años después de la adopción del Acta Única Europea en 1986. En ella se sentaron las bases de la gran obra de la Unión Europea, gracias a Jacques Delors: el mercado único basado en las libertades de bienes, servicios, trabajo y capitales. Hoy urge mejorarlo.

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Codice europeo di diritto commerciale: Rapporto Enrico Letta

Nel rapporto presentato al Consiglio europeo del 18 aprile 2024, l’ex presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Enrico Letta, ora presidente dell’Istituto Jacques Delors, lancia un allarme sul declino economico e sulla perdita di competitività dell’Europa.

Per Enrico Letta, questo declino non è irreversibile. Letta chiede uno sforzo urgente e collettivo.

Nel suo rapporto, Enrico Letta attribuisce il declino dell’Europa rispetto alle altre grandi economie mondiali in gran parte alla continua frammentazione dei mercati e delle economie, quasi 40 anni dopo l’adozione dell’Atto Unico Europeo del 1986. Questo Atto è stato la pietra miliare ed ha stabilito un punto chiave della costruzione europea, il Mercato Unico Europeo, voluto e realizzato da Jacques Delors, basato sulle quattro libertà di circolazione (beni, servizi, persone e capitali) che ora ha urgente bisogno di miglioramenti per essere pienamente efficiente.

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European Code of Business Law / Enrico Letta report

In the report presented to the European Council on April 18, 2024, the former Italian President of the Council, Enrico Letta, now President of the Jacques Delors Institute, issues a warning about the economic decline and loss of competitiveness of Europe.

For Enrico Letta, this decline is not irreversible. He calls for an urgent and collective effort.

In his report, Enrico Letta attributes Europe’s decline compared to other major world economies largely to the ongoing fragmentation of markets and economies, nearly 40 years after the adoption of the Single European Act of 1986. This Act was the cornerstone and laid down the landmark achievement of the European construction, the European Single Market impulsed and conducted by Jacques Delors, based on the four freedoms of movement (goods, services, persons, and capital) that now urgently needs improvements to be fully efficient.

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