Dr. Elise Bernard / Amélie Jaques-Apk
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Policy paper – Business law
The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged Europe to the worst economic crisis it has seen since 1945. The restrictions imposed on public life in the wake of the pandemic have shown us how much we as EU citizens are dependent on the common internal market and border-free Schengen area and how much we benefit from them on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the crisis has also shown us the fragility of our mutual trust and cooperation; Member States that took hard-line, uncoordinated and unilateral measures at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis made this clear to rest. Such ill-conceived and self-serving actions were incompatible with our values of European solidarity and must not be repeated.
At the same time, crises also offer unique opportunities to adapt to changing realities and be better prepared for global challenges. That is why we must use this crisis as an opportunity to enhance the competitiveness, resilience and strategic independence of the European Union, now more than ever. One thing is certain: the world will not wait for us and if Europe wants to remain relevant at a global level we must act quickly.
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